
Confirmation Program

St, Luke’s Confirmation program consists of two years of class instruction, by a seasoned teacher.  Followed by six weeks of final instruction with our Pastor.  The recommended age for starting confirmation is 7th grade.  

The Confirmation classes are held Sunday mornings from 9:40 am to 10:20 am.  The topics will include Choices, Jesus, Decisions, and Faith.  The goal is to aid these adolescents in their faith journey as they study the Bible and explore how God’s Word offers guidance in connecting their faith with life.  

This class is taught by a teacher with more than 30 years of classroom experience.   Retired, Ms. Mary Ann enjoys working with the teens as they dive deeper into their own faith.  Once completing this program an opportunity is provided for the confirmand/student to confess their faith to God during a worship service. 

If you have any questions and would like to discuss this opportunity contact the Church Office at 410-635-6177 extension 2.